Wyoming, Great Divide Basin

Wyoming, Great Divide Basin
Wyoming, Great Divide Basin

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 11 & 12: Recap

Ok so day 8 found us riding trail from Salida through the lower Colorado mountains. We made it to the border where we camped the night in rainy conditions.  The morning of day 9 found us pushing into New Mexico's clay-like soil and the crashes ensued. We moved about 2 miles in a total of one hour or so of insane slippery, muddy conditions. We were dropping the bikes left an right and I had a pretty big wreck where I went over the handlebars and landed on my noggen. (I'm good to go and so is the bike - also I got it all on video too so watch for the vid-doc in a few weeks)  We ended up calling it because of conditions and continued to our destination on the roads.  It was at that point that Goda realized his rear shock had been compromised.  We stopped in the only bike dealer in 100 miles and found that the damping was not working properly but they didn't know why.  From the sounds of it, it isn't a dealbreaker by any means but certainly something to consider.

Long story short, that crash shook me up so we've decided to switch it up a bit and ditch the last two sections of trail for some interesting roads. Were planning to hit the infamous highway 191 today as we make our way to the border of Mexico. The "devil's highway" is a piece of American highway history and one of the crown jewels of motorcyclists everywhere. We'll be sure to take plenty of video.

Here's a coupla pics from the last two days.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 11: Who wants to Party

Ok. Its looking like we might make it pretty close to New Mexico today. Thats our last state and it accounts for about 4 days of trail.

The end is in sight and we wanted to put out an open invite to anyone who'd like to meet up with us in Vegas on the last night, hang out, and then ride home with us on the last day...

Bring your car, bring your bike, bring yourself! We have a room at the Hard Rock just off the strip and your welcome to crash with us that night.

We think it'd be awesome to see everyone and even more awesome to share our final leg of this crazy trip with our friends, fam, and loved ones.

If you're interested just put a comment in under this post, or email us at: roadstorockies@gmail.com
OR just show up and join in the fun. We'd love to have you with us!
PS. if were finishing a little early well be sure to update the blog so you know when and where to be.

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Day 10: Recap

First day in Colorado trails. Some fun twisty dirt roads and amazing vistas. Then we ran into some fellow riders and hit up the town of Salida for really good pizza and some shuffleboard! Good times.

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 9: Rest Day...Kinda

I (yobo) was feelin not so hot today so we sacrificed the last part of Wyoming's trails to make good time on regular roads to our next town.  We're now at steamboat springs and looking forward to a proper nights sleep. With any luck we'll be hitting the trail hard again tomorrow.  Now if you'll excuse me I need to rescue this poor candy shop from goda.

That's alot of sugar

Pagoda on saddlesaurus-Rex

Yobo on saddlesaurus-Rex

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 8: Trail Update

Had our first flat today.
Rode our motos on the moon too.
Really tired and worn down though...
Feelin like a bag of mashed potatoes.

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Day 8: Deal of the Day

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 5,6,7: Recap

We've been on the trail for three days... Alot has happened. We've hit some real tough sections where going only 40 miles took 2.5 hours. Then, in the same day, we covered 200 in 6.5 ...' The terrain is extremely dynamic but we are loving it. We are done with Montana and have moved through Idaho and into Wyoming.
Today we started out on real fast dirt track which turned into some of the most technical backwoods trail we've encountered yet, and then, in the same day,we end up taking it easy with road miles through Yellowstone. The CDT continues to surprise us and every turn takes it up a notch!

It hasn't been easy getting proper updates out while riding a motorcycle down the continental divide so here's a coupla pics from the last three days:

Jackson Lake Lodge rockin

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