Wyoming, Great Divide Basin

Wyoming, Great Divide Basin
Wyoming, Great Divide Basin

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Trip Report: Day 16: Rest Day

Date:  Friday, September 3, 2010
Start: 1000 wake-up
Finish: 1800
Travel Time: N/A
Distance: 0 miles
Total Distance:  4631 miles

So if you are continuing the posts from yesterday you're probably anxiously awaiting Timmy was able to make it to work only a few hours after polishing off a good portion of a bottle of Jack.  I awoke first at 1000 and actually wasn't feeling that bad.  I walked out of the room that was the location for last night's scene of the crime and ventured into Timmy's room to see if he made it up.  Not even close.  He was face down in the mattress and dead to the world.  I giggled a little and shut the door.  Yobo started tossing on the couch.

We both recounted last night's events and got a kick of how everything got raised a few notches.  Yobo had made it through the entire spectacle without belting out one single note.  We both woke up Timmy hoping that maybe he had already called in sick.  Unfortunately that wasn't the case, and he let the office know he wouldn't be in.

Yobo and I now had a few missions for our "Rest Day."

  1. Cook some grub and get Timmy recovered
  2. Fix Timmy's car so he could make the trip to Vegas with us tomorrow
  3. Most importantly...relax and not ride our motorcycles
We walked down to his Saab and noticed the leak he had been talking about.  Leak might be an understatement.  Timmy basically had the Mississippi river of radiator fluid flowing from under his hood and the small lake that had formed underneath was a clear sign we might be in over our heads.  We added some radiator sealant we had carried on our trip with the hopes he would be good to go and headed off to Whole Foods.  Yobo made some of his signature omelettes with Feta, basil, spinach, and tomato.  He also cooked up some chicken apple sausage and home-made hash browns while I sliced up the watermelon.  The smells must have awoken our compatriot, because our boy Timmy soon arose from the grave and graced us with his morning glory.  He immediately started chugging some water and we all had a good laugh about last night.

The food gave us all a little extra energy and we decided to head down to the pool.  Yobo and I were both still not sure how to handle this whole situation.  We didn't have to pack a bike to go anywhere, we weren't in a constant state of fear thinking we forgot something, we knew exactly where we were going and how we were going to get there, and we were in bathing suits and not our storm trooper power ranger suits.  Huh.  A few more of these kind of days spread throughout the trip would have done us some good.  We all sat by the pool and caught up on life.  Timmy has a sense of humor like no one else we know, and it was just like being in our high school cafeteria at lunch.  Yobo showed off his water treading prowess, our man is like a fish in water.  Me on the other hand might be just the opposite and felt no more effective in the water than a bookshelf full of cinder blocks.

After a bit we headed back up to the apartment and enjoyed "Old School,"  one of the great cinema classics from our generation.  After our unexpected bender last night and planned debauchery in Vegas tomorrow night, we decided to head down to old town in Scottsdale and enjoy a relaxing dinner at one of the local steak houses.  The one thing that Yobo and I will say about Scottsdale is that...well...if you're a bachelor, there might not be a better place to be.  This was our second time visiting in just over a few months and the scenery was second to none both times.  Hind sight is always 20-20, but if I had to pick another school for a higher learning experience, ASU would be at the top of my list.

We made it home unscathed and talked about Vegas.  Our quick radiator repair attempt didn't appear to be working and Tim didn't have a ride to Vegas.  Our fix was to rent a car and ride up.  With our plans figured out, we rested up and hit sack.

/s/ Goda

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