Wyoming, Great Divide Basin

Wyoming, Great Divide Basin
Wyoming, Great Divide Basin

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Test Pack and Moto Ship

The test pack is complete and it looks like we're gonna fit everything.  We definitely wanted to confirm this before my bike shipped to the left coast.  Below is a shot of everything that I gotta fit on my two-wheel stallion.  Moto gear, tools and stuff, camping equipment, food, clothes and things...it's all there.  Between the panniers, dry bag, and tank bag, storage is plentiful.

Speaking of moto shipment, the bike is officially on it's way to Glendale California.  As I mentioned on the planning page, I went with Federal Motorcycle Transport.  A quick siphon of the fuel last night and they took the bike (panniers and all).  The Bimmer is now closer to Yobo than Goda is and scheduled to arrive on 8/6.  Fingers are crossed and the next time I see it will be the day before we set off, which is only 3 weeks away!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

More Bike Mods

Yesterday was full of wrenching on the bike.  One of my favorite ways to spend a Saturday. 
I am approaching completion on this project finally, just need some crash-proof handguards and a carburetor mod to help the air/fuel mix while at high altitude.  Then it'll be as ready as it can be for this trip. 

Here's some updated pics.  See the "Bikes: Yobo" page for full details, and more pics.  

Mods Pictured Above:
GPS Hardline
Cigarette Lighter Adapter 
SoWest Motech Center Stand
Totally Awesome Dude Mod

Monday, July 19, 2010

One Month and Counting... Holy crap !

One Month From Departure! 
Whoa man.  Time has flown by, but here we are with one month left before departure.  Crazy.  Here's some quick updates to keep everyone on track. 

Test Pack: We're planning a full test pack for this weekend.  This is meant to be a full-scale loadout that is 98-100% representative of the gear and contents that will be going on the trip with us.  We expect to gain a solid understanding of how much space we have, or don't have, as well as a better feel for total weight and handling of the bikes while fully loaded. 

Additionally, Goda will be setting his bike up to ship next week.  Once its loaded and underway he'll have no contact with the bike until the night before departure.  I'll be giving it a final check once it arrives on the west coast and from there on it will remain dormant…  The calm before the storm? 
Hopefully it’s the calm before the highly fulfilling and extremely fun adventure…

Final Bike Mods: As I type this, I'm waiting on one last mod to ship.  With any luck, by this time next week my bike will be fully upgraded and ready to ride.   The KLR will be receiving two electrical mods, one to hardwire the GPS unit, and one for accessories, as well as a center stand to help make general maintenance and trail repairs easy. See the bikes page for full details in a few days.

GPS DATA:  We're beginning to tackle the GPS data this week.  Our goals are to:
  • Create a complete route map, including waypoints and tracks, that will fit within the 4GB limit of our Garmin Devices. 
  • Create North-to-South as well as South-to-North versions of that data and make them freely available.  (see the planning page for details and links to maps and files)
  • Post interactive Google maps that are publicly available using the data.
  • Post Updated Overall GPS Data after we wrap up the trip. 

Having accurate and up to date GPS data is an enormously important part of doing this trip for us.  As we've mentioned, we are using data that comes from Big Dogg and Jammin with Jay, two other dual sport riders who have done the CDR before.  Their trip reports and GPS data have been a huge help to our planning efforts.  Our contribution will be to update that data with the latest waypoints and tracks in case of any modifications to the route, as well as provide the reciprocal routes that show north to south and south to north routes in files that are small enough to easily import to a mobile GPS device, but detailed enough to get you outta the woods.  If we can manage all that, we'll be happy campers and hopefully it will help others to be the same!

That's it for now, stay tuned for more.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tracking Pagoda!

As we speak, the Goda is on a loaner bike coming home from the dealer.  Check out the Track Us link for a taste-test of the realtime tracking while we're on the voyage. 


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Practice Tire Change

Since there's a good chance we could get a flat tire in the middle of no where on our trip, I thought it would be a good idea to practice changing a tire in the comforts of my home.  I figured it would be pretty similar to changing a bike tire, which I've done a million times, but still wanted to have it under my belt prior to the trip.  A good resource I used was the GlobeRiders F650GS Adventure Touring Instructional DVD.  Overall, it wasn't too tricky and basically the same as a bicycle.  I used the side stand to help break the bead and WD-40 to slide the tire on and off like butter.  I also tried my pocket rocket hand pump to see how long it will take to pump this thing up.  Once I got the tube filled, it was about 100 pumps for a 2 psi gain.  I'll let you run the numbers to achieve 34 psi...  It was 100 deg and super humid, and it ended up not being the cleanest of exercises.  I can't imagine it being any more ideal than the middle of the NM desert in late August.  Overall, I'm not too worried now about running into this on the trip.