Wyoming, Great Divide Basin

Wyoming, Great Divide Basin
Wyoming, Great Divide Basin

Monday, August 16, 2010

3 Days and Counting!!

This week/weekend was fairly busy.  Goda's bike was in the shop for a brake adjustment, and mine was in for its final tuning and hand-guard mounting.  We also mounted our helmet cams and tested for the optimum settings...  We should be good to go with just a few days left until departure.

Speaking of... I can hardly believe the time has gone this fast.  Just a few posts ago we were writing about being 1 MONTH away from departure.  We've finalized and reviewed, modified, tested, and packed just about every bit of kit we have.  At this point, its down to the simple results of proper planning, perseverance, determination, and luck, and we're thrilled to have you with us.

Stay tuned for a few final updates, and then...  we're off.  =]

My Helmet Cam Setup

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