Wyoming, Great Divide Basin

Wyoming, Great Divide Basin
Wyoming, Great Divide Basin

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 18: Done...and...Done Phase III Complete, Begin Phase IV- Reaclimitization

I'm up and getting ready for work but dreamt about point A to point B type stuff all night. When I woke up, I thought I was in a tent in New Mexico. Goda was the same way.
The real world is stranger than the trip world right now...
We've been in a whirlwind the last few days. There are a few holes in the post continuum to fill in. Stay tuned over the next few days for the final pics and posts.
Then we'll be putting up our full trip report with detailed write ups of the day to day for those interested. Also, we'll post video clips that are fun and interesting in the time between now- and whenever we finish the video documentary.
We'll keep twitter pretty quiet until we've got bigger news.

A big 'Thanks' to all of you for following and stay tuned for the final touches.

- Sent from the road via iPwn


  1. word. nice job guys!!! congrats on R2R

  2. Funny to read your wrap up comments, cause I woke up last night and did not recognize the room I was in... my house, my bed. Wild trip but strange lingering after effects. Nice job guys.

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