00:30 bedtime with 5:30 wake up
05:45 Bike maintenance time
Rain begins
Departure 07:45
Long country miles, 230 miles from Spokane to Canada
Food, fuel, supplies, phone calls in Eureka, MT
Phase one complete- 1600 miles / 3.5 days / 2 Pollocks
Phase two begins- BEGIN CONTINENTAL DIVIDE 15:45
20 miles municipal roads 70+ miles off-road
On and off rain culminating in late day hail storm
Goda's pannier ejects from bike at 40+mph on off-road downhill (caught on helmet cam video).
Trail-rig pannier
Arrive in Whitefish MT at 21:00
Dinner at craggy range -best Mac and cheese on earth
12 more days of this / 2500 miles to Mexico
Libby Dam, MT 1
Two idiots at the border
Canadian Rockies in the distance
Glacier national park
We liked glacier national park
Hail storm momma cloud
Our suits with one day of riding dirt
- Sent from the road via iPwn
Location:Spokane Ave,Whitefish,United States
We are loving your pictures and videos. The staff and boss are checking them daily. Glad you two are having a great time.