Wyoming, Great Divide Basin

Wyoming, Great Divide Basin
Wyoming, Great Divide Basin

Monday, August 23, 2010

Brit Hijacks Yobo's Account!!!

Yobo forgot to sign out of gmail.....so this is Britt here---adding a few pics from take off. Sorry to make the blog out of order---but I thought I'd add these now!

Yobo and Chris are the most inspiring guys I know----they are crazy, full of love and passion, and could accomplish anything together. I've only been on one trip with them together, hiking to the summit of Mount Baldy--but from this trip I learned a few things...

-Yobo takes forever to get to sleep and insists on asking your favorite color or food. And he'll make sure you're awake to entertain him until HE gets tired. Luckily, he let Goda and me sleep after we dozed off mid-sentence.
-A polock sandwich of two tall polocks in sleeping bags, makes for a warm and cozy night---except when you're trying to get rest before they leave for the rockies and you're smashed up against the wall with two cats trying to sleep on your face. 
-Yobo and Goda know how to pack meals for camping trips. We had an amazing cous cous, veggie, and chicken dinner. Lets not forget the salami and gouda! YUM. The only item I'd like to get off their eating list are slim jims. Gross. (Not gonna lie... I did have one or two..)
-You can NEVER have enough cheez its.
-I also learned that I have never felt more safe in my life. Between Yobo and Chris---there are some serious skills.... fight training, weaponry, and survival skills, not to mention their ability to make you pee your pants due to laughter, at any given moment. And ladies only like men with skillz.
-These two guys are CLEARLY the best of friends. The only thing holding them back from taking over the world is Goda insisting on living on the East Coast. We'll get him over here one of these days :)

Of all the things I do know about these two---I absolutely know I love them both. They are amazing men---and the best kind of friends to have in your life. They do what they love, they are passionate and driven in achieving their goals--and I am truly blessed to have them both in my life.

I love you both---and am so grateful you have one another.  Its been an amazing three days watching you take this journey--and I can't wait to see the next two weeks! This is going to be something you'll both have for the rest of your life---cause once you both get back, yobo is mine forever. muahahahahaha.



Last kiss! Look at that hair! Disney Prince material! C'mon! :)



  1. Hijacked!!! lol.
    Yobo here, thanks for the kind words, Brit, and the pics rock! Now stop turnin our blog into a sappy girly show!! This is supposed to be kick ass and hilarious! Just kiddin hun. Have a great day and keep watching. :)

  2. Great post Brit! SO much love!!!!
